Introducing Drive Electric’s newest fleet member, Z Energy, who plays a critical role in helping Aotearoa New Zealand meet its climate targets by supporting electric vehicle drivers with an eventual nationwide rollout of EV charging stations.
Z Energy (Z) EV ambitions:
Z is committed to helping Aotearoa reach its ambitious emissions reduction targets and has supported EV charging since 2016. To them, a low-carbon future is about helping their customers on a simple transitional journey to avail EV drivers, no matter what stage of their journey. When the time comes, Z wants to be there to help.
Z wants to make it as easy for customers to charge on the go as it is to fuel up. They are committed to partnering with Government and the private sector to achieve their own goals that also help meet New Zealand’s emissions reduction targets.
Increasing the EV charging network is a crucial example of how Z is choosing to actively invest in a low-carbon revenue stream that is better for the planet and delivers a sustainable and viable future for the business.
Z’s EV charging network

Z has already begun the journey of upscaling its EV charging network, supporting New Zealand’s low-carbon future.
Z aims to have a functioning charging network in the ‘Golden Triangle’ of Auckland – Waikato – Tauranga, made up of 30 charging points, across 14 Z Stations, by March 2023. They still want to keep their current core focus of offering an easy-to-find, safe fueling environment with onsite amenities and refreshments for people on the go. The Z we all know and love will look very different by 2030; diesel and petrol pumps will be overshadowed by the rollout of these EV charging stations, so fueling your car comes just as convenient with electricity as it is with petrol.
Z is aware that over time, as technology develops, charging times will decrease and is invested in innovating its service offering to provide a rapid 20-minute charging experience that helps people efficiently charge up.
Z is also answering customers’ concerns about challenging home charging. Many homes don’t have modern wirings for charging vehicles at suitable locations, such as those who live in an apartment or don’t have a garage, emphasising the need for public and easily accessible charging stations for all.
Constraints to the new rollout:
Z sees the most significant barrier to New Zealand’s EV network’s growth, and speed is the need for greater coordination between regulators (at both central and local government levels) and electricity distribution businesses – including how best to support the pace of growth needed to meet customer demand and help meet broader emissions reduction goals.
Based on Z ‘s current market insights, they believe there will be a need to upgrade their charging capacity every 3-5 years to meet customer growth and technology changes.
What we love about Z’s mission is that they aren’t approaching their EV charging rollout as a ‘set and forget’ exercise; their commitment to building a nationwide network and regularly upgrading their chargers will make a massive difference for EV drivers across Aotearoa.

Z strongly believes that changing the convenience and accessibility of smart chargers will ease the transition from petrol and diesel vehicles. This is essential to support increasing the number of electric cars driving on our roads and ultimately helping lower New Zealand’s carbon emissions.
Find a Z Charging station near you: https://www.z.co.nz/find-a-station/